Thursday, May 3, 2007

Just crapping for nothing...

Balance. Ever think of it? Whats the balance of the livings? Whats the balance of life? There is no precise answer. For me, the Nature has yet not met its balance, and neither will it for as long as it lives. Yin & Yang appears when the Nature, the Earth was borned. This two forces trying to cover up each other to meet the balance on Nature. But, if the balance is occured, why then are they still doing here? Thats it, they never made it to the balance. The World will not reach its balance.

From my point of view, thats the balance of the Nature, never to be balance. If your dont have yin(shade) then there will not be yang(lights). If there is no short then there will be no tall there is always something existed to be compared of. Thats the way we are, comparing each other. Ever wonder about the ecosystems? There is said the ecosystem must be on balance so that it can continue its cycles. But then there again, it never reaches balance. If it reaches balance, then there is really an unbalanced theory.

The Earth itself was made unbalanced. It rotates not in straight but a little bit of slacking to the side. There is extreme cool places where the eskimos lives and there is also extreme hot places where the Nomad lives. Some places has four seasons and some places has only one season. It is truely unfair in some sense but then thats the way it was.

Motherly thoughts: "It will always be the elder's fault if something goes wrong, find him/her first before I settle the others..." why was that? Don't know....

Sometimes I kinda think that, "what am I doing here?" Well, there is no purpose we are born. We must find our own purpose to live on. "Why we study?" "We are learning, getting knowledges from the pass and present." But is it that way? Well, I can tell in Malaysia it is not. We study cause we need to pass all the exams, we need to get higher marks so to proceed on our education. Is that the main purposes of learning? Of the knowledge being passed on generations to generations? For me, the aim of learning is for the sake of knowledge, to build a mindset, a personality that can coupe with his/her own life in the future. Im not stupid if I cant score As' in my subjects, and that doesn't mean I cant do well. I just felt that the main is out of trails.

Whoa...look at the time. Its 2.30p.m. already and Im crapping nothing here, well just adding up my posts thats all. Gotta get back to my houseworks already...

"Never look down yourself when others look down upon you. They are just blinded by the false facts, you may look down at them, in despise that they do not understands the truth within the false."


nostalgia.jesskang said...

Excellent... Keep it on...

Damson said...

Haha...all you have to do when reading my post is just the read the last part hahaha...